Livestock Parasites: A look inside

Livestock Parasites: A look inside

A tour of the major parasites that live with livestock and reduce their productivity or welfare through direct or indirect effects. Included are the major nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, lung worms, tapeworms and liver flukes

Doug Colwell, PhD, FRES, Assoc. EVPC

Past-President, World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology

Principal Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (retired)

Dr. Colwell’s first years were spent on the family farm near Cremona, Alberta which had been homesteaded by his great-grandfather in 1903. Later, educational travels took him to Calgary and then to Lethbridge to complete his B.Sc.  It was at the U. of L. where he first became enthralled by parasites and parasitism.  Subsequently, University of Alberta broadened his experience with parasites.  University of Guelph and insects, particularly those that feed on animal tissue, rounded out his student experience.  Dr. Colwell’s exposure to cattle and the insects that affect their welfare and productivity began at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Lethbridge Research and Development Centre.  Curiosity about the endless variety of host-parasite interactions and the possibilities for improving animal production without complete dependence on chemical control has fueled his research program and will likely do so for some time. This curiosity has allowed collaborations with a variety of stimulating and inquisitive colleagues from around the world and has resulted in over 130 publications in refereed journals, several book chapters and one book.  Being an editor for scientific journals has been a great experience as have his associations with the University of Lethbridge and the University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. International societies such as the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists and the European College of Veterinary Parasitology has kept Dr. Colwell busy. A small ranch on the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains allows  the enjoyment of life at a different pace in an off- the-grid, straw bale house.

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Doug Colwell, LzTC Consulting
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