Validating Rapid On-Farm Nitrate Testing Kits for Improved Forage Management

Validating Rapid On-Farm Nitrate Testing Kits for Improved Forage Management

Rapid, on-farm nitrate testing kits for forages provide a cost-effective and time-saving solution for Alberta cattle producers. The Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production (TACLP) at Olds College of Agriculture & Technology conducted a study to validate the accuracy and practicality of three commercially available rapid nitrate test kits. The study’s methodology and key findings will be discussed, highlighting the benefits of these kits, such as improved feed management, increased testing frequency, and reduced risk of nitrate toxicity in cattle herds. Producers will learn how these kits can be effectively integrated into their feed management strategies.

CEU Credit: 0.5

Laio Silva Sobrinho, Research Manager at the Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production, holds an MSc in Soil Science from the University of Alberta, where he studied the effect of adaptive rotational grazing systems on the sequestration of carbon in Canadian grasslands. He is responsible for managing research trials on projects that test and validate technologies with the potential to improve productivity and sustainability on-farm. Growing up in a family of cattle producers in Brazil, Laio gained hands-on experience in herd and pasture management, which informs his current work in Canada.

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Laio Silva Sobrinho, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
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