AgSmart 2019 a Success

From robotic farm equipment and cattle-ranching drone demos to educational sessions, food trucks and beer gardens, AgSmart 2019 had something for everyone. Agri-Trade and Olds College’s new event, AgSmart welcomed over 2,000 people to the inaugural two-day hands-on demonstration and education expo focused on agriculture technology and data across the sector – how to gather it, and how to use it to enhance productivity and profits.

The expo featured conference style education sessions and workshops, including keynote addresses from Robert Saik, CEO – Dot Ready Retail, on Food 5.0; a convergence of technologies that will re-shape the future of food production, and the famous Tornado Hunter, Greg Johnson, on the rewards of taking risks.

AgSmart welcomed over 75 exhibitors to the outdoor show, and had several hands-on agriculture technology demos for people to experience, including the Alberta debut of the DOT autonomous robotic platform, the Ag Maximizer hay dryer and AgraCity Drones to name a few.

“We are very happy with the turnout for AgSmart 2019,” comments Stacy Felkar, Event CoManager, AgSmart. “We have been hearing a lot of positive feedback from both attendees and exhibitors. On behalf of AgSmart, I would like to thank all of our partners, sponsors and volunteers who helped make this event a success.”

The event had over 75 volunteers taking on a variety of roles throughout the two days. Plans are already underway for AgSmart 2020 taking place next August.
