A Technological Time Machine: How Modern Techniques Will Bring You New Seed Faster

A Technological Time Machine: How Modern Techniques Will Bring You New Seed Faster

Brought to you by the Alberta Seed Guide, join us for an engaging panel discussion exploring the transformative power of technology in the realm of seed development and agricultural innovation.

CEU Credits: 0.5


Marc Zienkiewicz, Alberta Seed Guide: Marc spent a decade working as a reporter, photographer, and finally managing editor for Canada’s largest newspaper chain. He graduated from both the University of Winnipeg and Red River College communications programs, and over the years has received numerous Manitoba Community Newspapers Association awards for his writing and photography. He brings his love of writing, editing and constant learning to his role as editor of the Alberta Seed Guide.

Jeremy Boychyn, Alberta Grains: Jeremy Boychyn is the current Interim Director of Research for Alberta Grains. He grew up in a small horticulture farm in Ontario before completing his Bachelors in Horticultural Science and a Masters in Plant Physiology at the University of Guelph. Starting with Alberta Grains in 2018, Jeremy drove the development of the commission’s extension program. Now as interim Director of Research, Jeremy works to ensure the research funding from Alberta Grains is valuable to Alberta producers while ensuring a strong extension funnel so the results of that research reaches the farmgate.

Lori Oatway, Western Crops Innovations: Lori Oatway is a highly experienced Cereal Scientist with over 30 years of expertise in cereal quality and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). As a Research Scientist at Western Crop Innovation in Lacombe, Alberta, Lori leads the Quality Program that is responsible for evaluating new grain and forage varieties for quality traits. Over her career, Lori has developed NIRS to expand the quality program to include feed, forage, food and malting characteristics and she works closely with industry stakeholders to identify new traits for markets and applications. Lori believes collaboration is key to strengthening our industry and enjoys sharing her knowledge and time with farm, science, and education communities. In addition to her work at FCDC, Lori, her husband Ward and daughters Ezri and Brie, farm just south of Clive, producing and selling pedigree seed. This provides a practical application to the research that Lori works on daily.

Jennifer Zantinge, Western Crops Innovation: Dr. J. Zantinge serves as a research scientist and leads the Western Crop Innovation biotech lab. The lab specializes in translational research, focusing on identifying, developing, validating, and implementing new research technologies and tools to enhance the quality and efficiency of variety development processes. Dr. Zantinge’s research group is dedicated to employing molecular and bioinformatics techniques to identify QTLs, genes, and haplotypes associated with trait variation. The biotech lab supports breeders by developing genetic markers to predict disease resistance, quality traits, and yield.

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