Exploring the Role of Biostimulants in Sustainable Crop Production

Exploring the Role of Biostimulants in Sustainable Crop Production

Biostimulants may play a crucial role in revolutionizing agriculture towards sustainability by enhancing productivity, resilience, and soil health. Through innovative formulations derived from natural sources like plants, microbes, and seaweed extracts, biostimulants optimize nutrient uptake, mitigate stress, and enhance plant growth. Does the integration of biostimulants into crop production signify a promising pathway towards sustainable crop production, aligning with environmental stewardship and food security?

CEU Credits: 0.5

Shabeg Briar earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Agriculture from Punjab Agricultural University and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Nematology from Ohio State University, USA. During his Ph.D. work at the Ohio State University, he focused on soil health of farming systems and studied bio-indicators and their role in the soil food web.

Currently in his role as a Research Scientist at Olds College of Agriculture & Technology, Shabeg is responsible for conducting small plot crop trials related to herbicide efficacy, crop variety evaluation, silage and forage production, nutrient management, and pest (including weed) management studies. He is a certified professional agronomist and possesses a pesticide applicator license. Prior to his current posting, Shabeg worked as a Research Scientist with Montana Agricultural Experiment Station

Ike Edeogu is the Applied Research Manager for crop research and environmental stewardship with Olds College Centre for Innovation (OCCI). Ike is passionate about research that can benefit agricultural producers.

Ike has always been interested and driven by research, technology development, and technology integration that can solve problems within the agriculture industry and make a genuine difference to producers. He enjoys that every workday is different, tasks are always changing, and what you’re involved in and working on truly makes a difference in the bottom line for farmers and rural communities.

Ike is a professional engineer (P.Eng.) with an M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Alberta. Prior to joining Olds College in 2020, Ike worked with Alberta’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for about 25 years in the application of applied research and innovation techniques and principles towards the advancement of Alberta’s agricultural sector. He has a vast network of professional contacts from across the private sector, academia, government, and non-government organizations — both across Canada and abroad.

Event Timeslots (1)

Tent 4
Shabeg Briar & Ike Edeougu, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
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