Lessons from Eight Years of OFPE: Tips and Stories from the Data-Intensive Farm Management Project

Lessons from Eight Years of OFPE: Tips and Stories from the Data-Intensive Farm Management Project

This session will discuss the experiences of the DIFM group which has been conducting OFPE since 2016. These will include common challenges, lessons learned that can be applied to any OFPE, some patterns were are seeing in the results, all illustrated with specific examples from some of our farms.

CEU Credits: 0.5

Brittani Edge is an agricultural economist working as a postdoctoral research associate with the Data Intensive Farm Management project at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She worked as a research associate for the project while completing her Ph.D. and stayed on after finishing her degree in 2022. Her specialization is on-farm precision experiments, with experience in trial design, data processing, and data analysis. She is interested in questions about how variables such as trial implementation, experimental design, or data processing impact the quality of analysis results and how precision agriculture technology, through experimentation or variable-rate application, can improve management decisions and farm profitability.


Event Timeslots (1)

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Brittani Edge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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