Pros and cons of conducting on-farm research: A dilemma faced by farmers and how technology can help us.

Pros and cons of conducting on-farm research: A dilemma faced by farmers and how technology can help us.

How OCCI and Alberta Grains are using the On-Farm Precision Experimentation tool called Data-Intensive Farm Management to introduce a new methodology for conducting field-scale trials, raise industry awareness of the new method, generate interest from producers wanting to be involved in the 2025 growing season, and provide an understanding of the process of creating OFPE trials.

CEU Credits: 0.5

Blair Bateman, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology: As a research technician with OCCI within Smart Ag Applied Research, Blair Bateman specializes in data collection, management, and processing of agricultural equipment, which is utilized in many ways within Olds College. One of his current project he is now working on is a project introducing On Farm Precision Experimentation to Alberta farmers. Blair’s agricultural experience, gained from his upbringing on a family farm in Saskatchewan and his work with small and large grain producers, further enhances his practical approach. Blair completed the Precision Agriculture Techgronomy program at Olds College.

Jeremy Boychyn, Alberta Grains: Jeremy Boychyn is the current Interim Director of Research for Alberta Grains. He grew up in a small horticulture farm in Ontario before completing his Bachelors in Horticultural Science and a Masters in Plant Physiology at the University of Guelph. Starting with Alberta Grains in 2018, Jeremy drove the development of the commission’s extension program. Now as interim Director of Research, Jeremy works to ensure the research funding from Alberta Grains is valuable to Alberta producers while ensuring a strong extension funnel so the results of that research reaches the farmgate.

Felippe Karp, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology: Originally from Brazil, Felippe obtained an agronomic engineering degree from the University of Sao Paulo, campus “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture (ESALQ). He then received his MS in Plant, Environmental Management, and Soil Sciences from Louisiana State University. Currently, Felippe is a Ph.D. candidate in Bioresource Engineering at McGill University (Canada) and is a member of the Precision Agriculture and Sensors Systems (PASS) research team led by Dr. Viacheslav Adamchuk. Felippe is also a Research Assistant – Digital Ag and has been working with the HyperLayer Data Project. Felippe is passionate about the concept of Precision Agriculture.


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Blair Bateman & Felippe Karp, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology & Jeremy Boychyn, Alberta Grains
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