Advancement & Opportunities With New Malt Barley Varieties

August 2, 2023 from 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm

Speaker: Lori Oatway & Yadeta Kabeta, FCDC

CEU Credits: 0.5

Advancement & Opportunities With New Malt Barley Varieties

The Field Crop Development Center at Olds College of Agriculture and Technology (FCDC) Malting Barley session will showcase the performance and characteristics of newly developed barley varieties.  This includes malting quality, yield, disease resistance, and other agronomic traits that are relevant to farmers, maltsters and brewers. This session will give a firsthand look at the potential benefits of these new varieties, and support the development and adoption of new malting barley varieties in Alberta and Western Canada.   FCDC is contributing to the sustainable and profitable future of the malting barley industry by ensuring that growers and industry professionals are informed of the latest advancements in barley breeding in order to make informed decisions on new varieties coming into the market.

Lori Oatway, Research Scientist, Olds College Field Crop Development Center (OCFCDC)

Lori Oatway is a Research Scientist at Olds College of Agriculture & Technology (FCDC) in Lacombe where she focuses on Cereal Quality for the plant breeding pipelines. Over the last 30 years, Lori has developed NIRS to expand the quality program to include feed, forage, food and malting characteristics. Lori started with the FCDC in 1993 after graduating with a B.Sc. in Animal Nutrition. She later obtained her M.Sc. working on the detection of mycotoxins in grain using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).
Lori assesses all of the new varieties and lines from FCDC for their quality potential including feed, forage and malting applications. She works closely with industry stakeholders to identify new traits for markets and applications and also sits on the Barley Quality Evaluation team for the Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley, providing input on the quality profiles of new varieties. In addition to her work at FCDC, Lori, her husband Ward and daughters Ezri and Brie, farm just south of Clive, producing and selling pedigree seed. This provides a practical application to the research that Lori works on daily.

Yadeta Kabeta, Barley Breeder, Olds College Field Crop Development Center (OCFCDC)

Yadeta Kabeta is a barley breeder at Olds College Field Crop Development Center (OCFCDC). In this position, Kabeta is responsible for the development of germplasm and varieties of barley suitable for Alberta and western Canada. Kabeta has strong research collaboration with other public and private breeding programs here in Canada and around the world; he works closely with industry stakeholders (crop commissions, cattle commissions, seed growers); sits on the Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley.

Kabeta has been a senior author on many pre-reviewed articles. He authored or co-authored 50+ journal articles and conference proceedings on cereals and pulses. Kabeta obtained PhD degree in plant breeding/genetics from the University of Saskatchewan, SK.
