Preventing Digital Fraud on the Farm

Preventing Digital Fraud on the Farm

With rapid advancements in agtech and banking technology, producers need to remain vigilant to keep up with security threats and prevent fraud. Don’t fall victim to these increasingly intelligent scams we’ll cover in this session with Anton Bellot, Director Agribusiness & Agri-Food Sector, ATB Business.

CEU Credits: 0.5

Anton Bellot, ATB

Anton Bellot specializes in advising clients throughout the agriculture value chain as the Director of Agribusiness and Agri-food at ATB. From ag inputs and controlled environment agriculture to value-added ag manufacturing and ag technology, Anton brings a breadth of industry expertise in developing optimal financial solutions for clients. His understanding of market conditions, including foreign exchange, changing customer sentiment and trade, is invaluable to clients making key financial decisions for expansion and acquisition.

Anton has worked in financial services for over 7 years, bringing experience across financial structures and industries. He has a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance from the Haskayne School of Business and is a University of Calgary Dinos football alumni. He is currently the head coach of the Airdrie Irish and linebacker coach of the Calgary Colts.

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Tent 4
Anton Bellot, ATB
